Self-care Tips for Busy Moms
Published on: January 17, 2020
I needed this list of self-care tips for busy moms when I entered motherhood. Intentionally participating in self-care became even more important as when I decided to go back to school. Though we all know that self-care is essential and should be a high priority in our lives, self-care is often competing with a bunch of other priorities that are also very important. Due to this conflict, at one-time, self-care fell to the bottom of my list of priorities.
Self-care is a buzz word that is seen and heard all the time on television, podcasts, and social media. Self-care sometimes has a negative connotation to it. Too often, when we think about making time for self-care, we feel like we are being selfish because there are so many other demands on our time. I have been actively working to change this mindset.
When I take care of myself, I feel better. Guess what? When I feel better, I am a better mother, a better wife, a better worker, and a better friend. It is for these reasons that I make time to do these small things that make me feel good.
There’s also a perception that self-care is expensive. I see posts that talk about costly vacations or days at the spa with the hashtag #selfcare. These things can be options for self-care, but self-care is not limited to these expensive activities. You can indulge in self-care at any budget level.
Self-care is important.
Self-care is necessary.
I try to find a way to incorporate some form of self-care into my daily routine. These easy self-care tips for busy moms can be built into your daily routine too.

I have committed to counting my blessings all through 2020 continuously. One tool that helps me to do this is my gratitude journal. A gratitude journal helps me to think through all of the things I am grateful for on any given day. I love having a gratitude journal because it takes my mind away from the things that I want but do not have, and helps me to focus on the things that I do have that were once just hopes and dreams.
Spend Time Outdoors

I do not consider myself an outdoorsy person, but I will say that I feel better after spending time outside. I try to spend some time outside every day. I power walk for an hour when I am on my lunch break at work. My job has a gym that I could use, but I noticed that the walks do not have the same impact on me when I walk at the gym. There is just something to be said about being outside, breathing fresh air, feeling the wind in your face that can shift your mood.
Move Your Body
I try to find ways to move my body every day. Sometimes it’s doing those power walks during my lunch break, and other times it may be playing a dance video game with Annalise. Occasionally, when I have time, I attend a kickboxing or group fitness class. If I am honest, 99% of the time, I do not feel like exercising. However, 100% of the time, I feel significantly better when I am done.
Eat Healthier Foods
Every January, my church embarks on a version of Daniel’s fast. It’s a 21-Day fast where we emphasize eating veggies, fruits, and whole grains. The fast restricts foods like sodas, cakes, candies, caffeine, bread, pork, red meat, and poultry at different points over the three weeks. The last week of the fast includes the elimination of all these items. The last week is challenging for me because by most people’s standards, I am not a healthy eater. If I am honest, though, my body always feels great after that last week. I know this is because of the foods that I have chosen to fuel my body, and more importantly, the foods that have been eliminated during that time.
Spend Time With Friends

This one is big for me. I have committed to going out to dinner at least once a month with my girlfriends. Having that time out of the house with no husband and no children has really made the difference in my happiness. I love my husband and my children, but I appreciate having moments where I can just be Tiffany, the woman versus being Tiffany, the wife, or mother.
Binge Your Favorite Television Show
Can I tell you a secret? I love television. I really love TV. My guilty pleasure is the Real Housewives of Atlanta. What can I say? I enjoy mindless television. (Don’t judge me!) I do not have a lot of free time, but I make time to watch it live on Sunday nights. It is a part of my evening routine. No one else in my house watches the show, so it doubles as alone time.
Read (or Listen) To A Book For Fun
I am a doctoral student. I read A LOT, but I am mostly reading journal articles, research studies, and dissertations. I have not had much time to read for fun or leisure. I love reading. When I know I will have a few days off from work or school, I choose a book to read for fun during that period. Never underestimate the effect that a good book can have on your psyche.
Learn To Play Music
Self-care is anything that lets you relax and enjoy yourself, and learning how to play music is a great way to do this. The guitar is the most popular instrument to learn, and it could be worth looking into. If you do, it’s worth making sure you have everything you need, like a singular sound loop pedal. It shouldn’t even take much time, so it’s perfect for busy moms.
Get Sleep
The typical adult needs between 7-9 hours a night. The amount of sleep you get and the quality of sleep can have several effects on your health. For example, did you know that poor sleep habits correlate to weight gain? Did you know that good sleep improves your ability to focus and your productivity? For these reasons and many others, good sleep needs to be a priority form of self-care that you participate in.
Waste Time
I preach a lot about being efficient and productive, but sometimes you need a moment to do nothing. I mean absolutely nothing. A moment to lay on the couch or your bed and daydream. I lead a hectic life between working, being a student, a mom, and wife. Most of my minutes are already accounted for before the day even begins. I appreciate it when I have a few moments or more to just lounge and not be required to do anything for anyone.
Do Something That Gave You Joy As A Child
As a child, I loved video games. Though I do not have much time for them now, when I do have a spare moment, I will play them. They are nostalgic in that they bring back the positive feelings and memories I have associated with them. They are also a way for me to disconnect from the world around me. I always feel better after I have played. Reconnecting with activities we once loved as children is important in our lives. Engaging in these pursuits ignites a sense of nostalgia, joy, and fulfillment. Whether it’s playing a musical instrument, painting, or even quilting, these activities bring out our inner child and reignite our passions. For quilters, using tools like non slip scissors, specifically designed to enhance precision and safety, adds an element of delight and proficiency to the craft. It reminds us of the simple pleasures in life and encourages us to embrace our true selves, ultimately leading to a more fulfilling and balanced existence.
These are my self-care tips for busy moms like me. Do you have any self-care suggestions? Let me know in the comment box below.

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