2021 Christmas Photos
The Harrison family does Christmas photos every year. For us, it’s as much of a Christmas tradition as decorating the tree, drinking hot chocolate, and watching Christmas movies. We try to do something a little bit different each year, and this year is no different. The annual tradition of taking Christmas photos is always a good time and a great way to make memories with the family. Annual Christmas photos are also a nice way to see how much the children have grown from year to year.
Location of our Christmas Photos
Choosing a location this year was a bit of a challenge due to the pandemic. We usually do our Christmas photos at a public location. However, we recently purchased a new home back in July. So this year, we thought it would be fun to do the photo shoot at our home. We were photographed by Wes Dawson in our family room and our backyard.
Outfit 1 – Christmas Pajamas
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Typically, we only do one outfit at these photo sessions, but we decided to do two this year! Because we were at home, it was easy to switch from one outfit to the next. Our first outfit was Brinkley plaid Christmas pajamas. Last year we had matching family pajamas for Christmas, and because we were so busy having fun on Christmas morning, I didn’t get any photos. So I wanted to make sure that this year that didn’t happen.
Outfit 2 – Black and White
Our second outfits were in a black and white theme. Both myself and little Martin wore black and white buffalo print. I wore it in the form of a cape; his black and white buffalo print was in the form of a shirt. Big Martin wore a black crew neck top, and Annalise wore an off-white colored dress.
All in all, we had a good time, except for maybe Deuce. He just wanted to play with his tablet, and we interrupted that with a family photo shoot. Our family friend and photographer Wes Dawson was able to get a few shots with the Grinch smiling. The photo below is the one that we used for our Christmas cards.
While I have to say that I was a little disappointed that Deuce was not more cooperative. I am not a fan of making children do something that they really don’t want to do unless it’s something that’s absolutely necessary. Annalise, Martin, and I continued on without him.
I am so happy to be able to capture these memories with my family. I wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy new year. Are Christmas photos a tradition for your family? Let me know.
Absolutely beautiful family! The photos are beautiful